We’ve Launched!


A few words from our director…

Welcome to our website - it’s so great to see you here! I’m so excited to launch the Third Culture Collective today after almost a year’s worth of planning, composing and recording. Thanks for joining us at this awesome milestone!

The Third Culture Collective is a new social and musical venture, with a mission to foster collaboration between South Asian and Western musicians across all ages and abilities.

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We host unique collaboration days featuring musicians of all backgrounds, where we blend music from one culture on to the instruments of another, exploring colourful and vivid sound worlds. Think of a Bollywood song arranged for a symphony orchestra, a Mozart string quartet played by a group of sitars, or a raga or bhajan played in a jazz setting. Click here to find out more.


We aim to inspire the next generation of British Asians to engage with western classical music. We want them to take pride in their mixed musical heritage and embrace their status as Third Culture Kids.

A Third Culture Kid is an individual who spends their formative years in a culture other than that of their parents, developing a sense of relationship to multiple cultures while not having a full ownership in any.
— Pollock and Van Reken
A very difficult question for TCKs to answer!

A very difficult question for TCKs to answer!

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In my own classical music education, I have personally experienced the under-representation of British Asian musicians. The Third Culture Collective is a catalyst for the change that is so clearly needed. We partner with schools and authorities across the country to run virtual workshops, ‘demystifying’ South Asian instruments.

We’re a group of musicians from different cultural backgrounds and yet we’re bound by a love of collaborative and cross-cultural music. If this excites you, we’re constantly looking for new artists across all artforms and genres to collaborate with us. Get in touch to find out more!

Subscribe to our mailing list here and stay connected with us (@3rdCultureColl) on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube for regular updates. I hope you like what you see and that you feel inspired about the future of British Asian music-making!

Kavi Pau


Kavi Pau

Kavi Pau (b. 1996) is a British Indian music director, composer, singer and keyboardist based in London. Alongside his work as Artistic Director of the Third Culture Collective, he is also Director of Music at St Barnabas Church, Ealing and is the Founder Director of Ensemble 1517, a choir specialising in the music of the Lutheran Reformation. He combines these posts with regular freelance activities and also teaches at the University of Cambridge.


Profiles and Perspectives | Shivani Rattan