Cookie policy

We use cookies on our website so that we can tailor the content to you, ensure it’s working the way it should and make improvements. 

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is sent and stored on your computer and/or mobile device which provides us with information in relation to your website usage, and allows us to recognise that you have used our website before. Cookies are safe and secure and are commonly used by websites. 

A cookie typically contains: 

  • The name of the server the cookie was sent from 

  • The lifetime of the cookie 

  • A unique identifier (usually a number) 

How cookies work 

When you visit the Third Culture Collective website, our website server sends a cookie to your device and uses this number to recognise you when you return to the site or browse from page to page. This cookie is then stored on your computer or mobile device. All websites can send a cookie to your browser if your browser settings allow it. Many websites do this to track online flow. 


Our website will allow us to make use of various Analytic tools which cover: 

  • Activity Logs - a searchable list of every time a visitor accessed a URL on our site in the past seven days. Includes IP addresses 

  • Geography - View site visits by country, region, or city. 

  • Google Search Keywords - See which search keywords drive the most traffic to our site from Google 

  • Other Search Keywords - See which keywords drive traffic to our site from search engines other than Google, like Bing and Blekko. 

  • Popular Content - See the most popular content on our site by page views. 

  • RSS Subscribers - Analyze the traffic our RSS feed(s) receive when featured 

  • Sales Overview - See how our store is performing if/when we have a shop 

  • Site Search Queries - Learn what visitors are searching for on our site. 

  • Traffic Overview - Gives insight into traffic and engagement trends and track our audience’s growth over time. 

  • Traffic Sources - See where visitors come from when they visit our site by channel - such as social, email and direct traffic

Types of cookies 

Cookies may be categorised on the basis of their life span: 

1. Session or temporary cookies: these cookies expire when you close your browser or when the session times out 

2. Persistent or permanent cookies: these are usually stored on your hard disk and survive across multiple sessions but have a longer expiration date Please find below a table detailing the types of cookies used on our website:

Cookies we may use

Cookie title Cookie name Purpose More information
Google analytics _ _ga _ utma
_utmb _ utmc
_utmv _ _utmz
We may use this to understand how the site is being used in order to improve the user experience. User data is all anonymous. Find out more about Google's position on privacy with regard to its analytics service
Twitter – Third Culture Collective original_ref erer
_twitter_sess guest_id k
These cookies are used by Twitter to display the Third Culture Collective's Twitter feed on our website. Information about these cookies can be found at:
Twitter Privacy Policy
Microsoft ASP.Net Applications ASP.NET_SessionId This cookie is necessary for functionality of the forms on our website. The cookie contains a user's session ID and is held temporarily in memory. It will be deleted when the web browser is closed. User data is all anonymous.
ASP Session identifier ASPSESS IONIDCA QTCBRD This cookie is necessary for the newsletter subscription and fundraising registration on our website. The cookie temporarily records data previously entered and carries it through multiple pages until the form is complete. It will be deleted when the web browser is closed. User data is all anonymous.
YouTube VISITO R_INF O1_LIVE We use a number of external web services on Third Culture Collective’s website, mostly to display content within our web pages. To display videos we use YouTube, embedding the content into our websites. We are unable to prevent these sites, or external domains, from collecting information on your usage of this embedded content. If you are not logged in to these external services then they will not know who you are but are likely to gather anonymous usage information e.g. number of views, plays, loads etc.
Web server cookie ASPSESSION IDCQARRSDT This cookie is essential for the persistence of data entered on previous form pages. This cookie is deleted when you close your browser.
CookieCheck CookieCheck Used to check if cookies are enabled. This cookie is used by our library. SiteCode SiteCode Set by users on the Admin page to indicate location of machine. This cookie is used by our library.
SiteName SiteName Set by users on the Admin page to indicate location of machine. This cookie is used by our library.
CircContext CircContext Used by system to understand context when running circulation functions. This cookie is used by our library.
SelResults SelResults Numbered list of results selected by user when choosing to e-mail, print etc. This cookie is used by our library.
IsSearchHint IsSearchHint Set when the user hides a search hint. This cookie is used by our library.
textSize textSize Size of text selected by the user. This cookie is used by our library.
searchText searchText0
Remembers the last search term so that search boxes can be pre-populated with the user's last search. These cookies are used by our library.
bool bool1 bool2 Remembers the last search term so that search boxes can be pre-populated with the user's last search. These cookies are used by our library.
fields fields1 fields2 fields3 Remembers the last search term so that search boxes can be pre-populated with the user's last search. These cookies are used by our library. media
media media1 media2 media3 Remembers the last search term so that search boxes can be pre-populated with the user's last search. These cookies are used by our library.
Optimize Data Collection _wt.activeSplit Identifies what state the Optimize test/target is in (staging/active/complete). No personal information collected. Not stored or transferred to processing center.

Controlling or deleting cookies 

You can easily control and disable cookies through your browser settings. Learn how to remove cookies set on your device. Removal of cookies may impact the experience whilst using the website through repeated requirements for entry of confirmation. 

Third party cookies 

Third parties (for example our external suppliers such as Facebook Twitter and Instagram) also set cookies and pixels on the Third Culture Collective website in order to deliver the services that they are providing to Third Culture Collective. These technologies also enable us to understand how users use and interact with the Third Culture Collective website by providing information such as whether a user is browsing from a mobile device and what pages on the site they visit. We use this information to improve our website and to inform our online advertising campaigns and strategies. Please note that we have no control over these third party cookies and pixels, and you should check the relevant third party websites for more information about these.